LED BY THE SPIRIT hearing God's voice and being Led by the Spirit as a lifestyle
Taught in a series of ten two and a half hour sessions run once a week over a ten week period or as a weekend workshop consisting of Friday night, all day Saturday and Sunday morning finishing at lunchtime.
This 100 page course is written by Jackie Jacobsen and is the condensed version of a much larger course offered at the Prophetic School in Colorado. Jackie writes, " The emphasis of this course is to equip believers to be solely led by the spirit as a lifestyle. Learning the practical skills of how to live a Spirit led life is the design goal of each lesson.
The advanced course is run once a week over a twelve week period.
The hub of all the teaching is to mirror and emulate the example of how Jesus humbly lived out of His Spirit, doing nothing of Himself and to have a personal relationship and working partnership with the Holy Spirit.
In these days the true work of the ministry will be done through Spirit-empowered and Spirit-led believers who have learned to live from their Spirit as a new creation and follow the servant-hood pattern and humble image of the Lord Jesus Christ".